CBD oil can be consumed by ingesting the oil itself. It can also be absorbed through vaporizers or consumed in cooked and baked meals. If you are new to CBD gummies, don’t fret. And if you want to use it for cooking for the first time, I’m here for you too.
Here are a few tips to make the experience more palatable. Yes, pun intended!
1. Consult With Your Doctor
This is a rule of thumb. It’s vital to consult with your doctor before using any health supplement. This helps to ensure that it won’t interfere with any of your current drugs. It also ensures that it doesn’t cause any other side effects.
2. Pace Yourself
CBD is a non-psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant. So, it will not give you the “high” associated with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is another cannabinoid found in the cabanas plant. It is important to be cautious when consuming CBD. However, you should still use it enough to produce the intended result. Start with a low dose and watch how you react to it over time. When starting out, remember that less is more.
3. Heat Is Not Always Your Friend
Do not use CBD oil near a direct heat source. Heating the oil may boost its effectiveness. However, heating it to an extremely high temperature may cause it to lose terpenes. Terpenes are volatile molecules that function in conjunction with CBD. They increase the medicinal potency of the oil. If the temperature is too high, the herb will evaporate and lose its power. Additionally, it may not be particularly tasty, which is us putting it mildly. Don’t give up just yet; there is an alternative. Many individuals enjoy adding a few drops of CBD oil to their meals as a finishing touch. You might also drizzle the oil over your cooked meals.
4. Be Selective
Stronger flavours can withstand the addition of less-refined CBD oils far better than milder flavours. It’s best to use unfiltered oil when cooking something with many herbs. This is because it has more amino acids and vitamins than filtered oil. These are suitable for persons sensitive to flavour and who want to use the product.
5. Refined Over Unrefined
The more refined oil, i.e., decarboxylated and filtered oil, is preferred for all cooking applications. Less refined oils may be easier to incorporate into some recipes. However, they typically leave an unpleasant aftertaste in others. It is possible to disguise the inherent bitterness of lower-quality CBD. This is achieved with sugar or chocolate.
CBD-infused sweets and baked goods have become popular. Alternatively, savoury meals can benefit from the addition of high-quality CBD oil. You may use CBD oil in salad dressings, soups, and spaghetti sauces. It is also effective in topical applications. Like with any new lifestyle, it may take a while to get used to it, or not. Whether your taste buds adapt immediately or not, take it one meal at a time.